Townhouses for sale in Silves
Silves - Silves is regarded as the best non-coastal town of the Algarve and is a great opportunity to discover the “real” Portugal. Silves is very different from the developed resort towns and has no advent of mass tourism. The old walled section has remained unchanged for more than 300 years. Silves is a fascinating destination and once was the capital of the Algarve region during the Moorish era (7-12th century). The town was a major port with boats flowing down the Arada River to the sea and North Africa. This strategic importance of Silves is reflected in the sights of the town, which include the mighty castle and remains of the old solid city walls. Silves is a relatively small town, and all of the major tourist attractions can be easily visited, like the red brick castle that stands at the heart of the town. The castle dates from the Moorish era but underwent a major restoration project during the 1940s. The majority of properties available here are rural villas in lovely country side surroundings.
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